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A brief history of the Eastern Province....

The Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity was founded January 5, 1911 by TEN distinguished students - Elder Watson Diggs, Byron Kenneth Armstrong, Henry T. Asher, Ezra Dee Alexander, Marcus Peter Blakemore, Paul Wayman Caine, George Wesley Edmonds, Guy Levis Grant, Edward Giles Irvin and John Milton Lee - at Indiana University. These men of vision decided Kappa Alpha Psi would be more than just another social organization. It would be the only Greek letter organization founded on the precept of ACHIEVEMENT. 


In 1921, the Fraternity celebrated its 10th anniversary. By then, it had changed its name from Kappa Alpha Nu to Kappa Alpha Psi. In addition to the Indiana University Chapter, the Alpha of Kappa Alpha Psi, undergraduate chapters had been established at - University of Illinois, University of lowa, Wilberforce University, Lincoln University, Ohio State University, University of Nebraska, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, Meharry Medical College, Temple University, University of Kansas, Purdue University and Howard University. The Fraternity had also chartered alumni chapters in Chicago, IL; Cleveland, OH; Detroit, MI; Indianapolis, IN; and Louisville, KY. These 19 chapters were Kappa Alpha Psi when it came to Philadelphia, PA on December 30, 1920, for its 10th Grand Chapter meeting. 

George F. David I was elected the third Grand Polemarch at the 10th Grand Chapter meeting. Grand Polemarch David had been initiated at the Wilberforce University Chapter, the Delta of Kappa Alpha Psi in 1915. Before being elected Grand Polemarch, Brother David had served as the Grand Lieutenant Strategus and Grand Keeper of Exchequer under Irven Armstrong, the second Grand Polemarch. Brother David was the first alumnus of a historically black college to serve as Grand Polemarch. 


Grand Polemarch David proposed dividing the Fraternity into districts. This idea had been suggested to the Grand Polemarch by his father, Brother George F. David. The senior David was the Presiding Elder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for Kentucky. The regional format that he suggested had improved the operating efficiency of the AME Church. At that time, the Fraternity did not have a headquarters or an executive secretary. This new approach enabled the Grand Polemarch to keep the membership aware of the programs of the Fraternity and its direction. 


The delegates to the 10th Grand Chapter meeting adopted legislation that established the districts proposed by Grand Polemarch David. Initially, there were three districts. Past Grand Polemarch Irven Armstrong, Harrison R. Duke and Harold M. Tyler were appointed the first District Administrators. Armstrong was a first cousin of Founder Byron K. Armstrong and one of the first initiates at the Alpha. Duke was a charter member of the Illinois University Chapter, the Beta of Kappa Alpha Nu, while Tyler was a 

charter member of the Ohio State University Chapter, the Zeta of Kappa Alpha Psi. 

In 1923, W. Ellis Stewart, the fourth Grand Polemarch, increased the number of regions from three to seven. The directors of the seven regions were - Allen C. Bean [Region I], Ira J. K. Wells (Region II], C. O. Pearson (Region III], R. L. Bailey (Region M, B. F. Tinsley (Region V1, J. Snowden (Region Vl] and H. W. Hollie [Region VII]. 




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Eastern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi

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